These stickers are actually pasted at a garbage box at OSL (Oslo Airport). The balloon in the first picture says: I am here to make you happy, isn´t that nice? Cute guy with a flower and everything ...
God jul means Merry Christmas in Norwegian. I celebrated with my boyfriend and family in Harstad (far up north). We have eaten too much good food and a lot of candies, spent lazy days at the couch, and danced away the Christmas ham on the second day of Christmas. The pictures are taken in Breivika, where I grew up.
Liselotte Watkins for HM HOME SPRING 2009 from 26 February. Liselotte Watkins is a hot Swedish fashion illustrator. Among others she has done work for Elle UK - I adore her style and can´t wait to rest my head on a Liselotte/HM pillow.
My boyfriend has heard some rumors about a place that makes very good food near where we live, so we went looking for it. We never found that topsecret restaurant with excellent food, but we found Pacman and Mr Bunny.
We ended up with tasteless pasta and drinking beer in a restaurant on the corner.
Øya launch their new website tomorrow, 1 December. Are Kleivan is the man behind the festival design for two more years. It will be interesting to see what kind of madness he has made this time. More from Are Kleivan here.
I really look forward to Christmas! Is not so much baking at my home, but I have decorated for Christmas and are going to write Christmas cards. I love these charming cards from Darling Clementine, so I think these will be this year's Christmas cards to friends and family. The cards are sold in lots of stores, but you can also buy them here.
C215 is well known for his intricate multi-layer stencils - always impressive work on cool spots. I've been a fan since I saw some of his work in Rome this spring. Check out my photos here.
Mrgo, an designer from England, says ”I like a lot of stuff and things, especially pens. I LOVE A GOOD PEN. Tea as well…I LOVE TEA. But I don’t like raisins….or sultanas”. I like raisins, but otherwise I agree with Mrgo.
Check out Mrgo´s limited edition art print at ClickForArt.